OL 2059 Geography Topical Unsolved | 2011-2023 | Coloured | Shakil Anwar


Series: Cambridge O level Pakistan Studies Geography Topical 2011-2023
Syllabus Details: Cambridge O level Pakistan Studies

Author: Shakil Anwar

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.2 x 11.4 inches
Language: English
Shipping Weight: 2kg

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OL Pakistan Studies Activity Book 20011-2023 (Geography)Topical Unsolved by Shakil Anwar

Answer Key of this Environment of Pakistan Paper 2 workbook link is below:


Unit: Introduction 6
0.1 About the Author
0.2 Table of Contents
0.3 The Land of Pakistan

Unit 1: The Natural Topography, including drainage
1.1 Northern, North-Western and Western Mountains
1.2 The Desert Areas

Unit 2: Climate
2.1 Climatic Elements (Temperature, Rainfall, Winds etc
2.2 Effects of Climate on Life of the People
2.3 Climatic Hazards (Floods, Storms, Soil Erosion, Draughts etc.)

Unit 3: Natural Resources-an Issue of Sustainability of Water
3.1 Rivers and Dams of Pakistan
3.2 Irrigation System
3.3 Indus Water Treaty
3.4 Water-logging and Salinity
3.5 Water Deficiency/Water Pollution

Unit 4: Forests
4.1 Types of Forests in Pakistan
4.2 Importance/Uses of Forests
4.3 Afforestation/Deforestation and Solutions

Unit 5: Mineral Resources
5.1 Mining Processes
5.2 Types of Minerals

Unit 6: Fishing Industry
6.1 Fishing Methods and Areas

Unit 7: Agriculture Development
7.1 Small-Scale Subsistence Farming
7.2 Farming System/Methods
7.3 Major Crops of Pakistan
7.4 Fruit Farming
7.5 Livestock Farming
7.6 Agricultural Land Use/Land Reforms

Unit 8: Power Resources
8.1 Renewable Sources of Energy/Sources of Energy
8.2 Non-renewable Sources of Energy
8.3 Coal
8.4 Petroleum/Mineral Oil
8.5 Natural Gas
8.6 Electricity (Hydel/Thermal)
8.7 Nuclear Energy

Unit 9: Industrial Development-Secondary and Tertiary Industries
9.1 Principle Factory Industries in Pakistan
9.2 Industrial Estates/Zones
9.3 Cottage/Craft/Small-Scale Industries
9.4 Air Pollution
9.5 Tertiary Industry/Tourism

Unit¬ 10: Trade
10.1 Exports and Imports of Pakistan
10.2 Trade Centres of Pakistan
10.3 Export Processing Zones

Unit 11: Transport and Telecommunications
11.1 Dry Ports
11.2 Pakistan Railways/Roads
11.3 Air Transport
11.4 Telecommunications

Unit 12: Population and Employment
12.1 Population Growth/Change/Increase
12.2 Population Structures
12.3 Population Distribution/Density/Pyramid
12.4 Employment and Unemployment
12.5 Birth Rates/Death Rates/Life Expectancy/Healthcare
12.6 Migration
12.7 Literacy/Education
12.8 Self-Help Schemes

Syllabus for Cambridge Exams from 2018 and onwards
13.1 Paper 2 Notes: The Environment of Pakistan
13.2 Syllabus Content
13.3 Glossary of Terms for Paper 2

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OL 2059 Geography Topical Unsolved | 2011-2023 | Coloured | Shakil Anwar