AL 9702 Physics P1 Topical | 2016-2024 | Abdul Hakeem


Syllabus: CAIE 2025-2027
Compiler: ABDUL HAKEEM (LGS-Ph 1 & Ph-5, Garrison, Roots Millinium, The Lahore ALMA)
Publisher: Students Resource Airport Road
Patter: MCQs with Answer Keys Topic wise
Package Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.2 x 1.2 inche
Shipping Weight: 2kg
Available to ship in: Same Working Day in Lahore
Available to ship in: 4-5 days Other Cities
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Students Resource Airport Road Lahore, Pakistan


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Chapter 1: Physical Quantities and Units 7
Topic 1.1.1: Physical Quantity and Units
Topic 1.1.2: Estimates
Topic 1.2: Prefixes
Topic 1.3.1: Uncertainty
Topic 1.3.2: Precious and Accuracy
Topic 1.3.3: Types of Errors
Topic 1.4: Vectors
Chapter 2: Kinematics
Topic 2.1.1: Graphs of Kinematics
Topic 2.1.2: Projectile Motion
Topic 2.1.3: Equations of Motion
Topic 2.1.4: Vertical Motion
Topic 2.1.5: General Topics
Chapter 3: Dynamics
Topic 3.1.1: Newton’s Laws of Motion
Topic 3.1.2: Momentum
Topic 3.2: General Topics
Topic 3.3.1: Conservation of Momentum
Topic 3.3.2: Types of Collision
Chapter 4: Forces, Density and Pressure
Topic 4.1: Torque and Couple
Topic 4.2.1: Equilibrium
Topic 4.2.2: Principle of Moments
Topic 4.2.3: Forces
Topic 4.3.1: Pressure
Topic 4.3.2: Density
Chapter 5: Work, Energy and Power
Topic 5.1.1: Work
Topic 5.1.2: Conservation of Energy
Topic 5.1.3: Power
Topic 5.1.4: Efficiency
Topic 5.2: Types of Energy

Chapter 6: Deformation of Solids
Topic 6.1.1: Force – Extension Characteristics
Topic 6.1.2: Stress, Strain and Young’s Modulus
Topic 6.1.3: Combination of Springs
Topic 6.2.1: Work Done and Energy During Deformation
Topic 6.2.2: Stress – Strain Characteristics
Chapter 7: Waves
Topic 7.1.1: Waves Types and Characteristics
Topic 7.1.2: Intensity
Topic 7.1.3: CRO and Phase and Polarization
Topic 7.3: Doppler’s Effect
Topic 7.4: Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter 8: Superposition
Topic 8.1.1: Stationary Waves
Topic 8.1.2: General Topics
Topic 8.2: Diffraction and Diffraction Grating
Topic 8.3: Two Slit Interference
Chapter 9: Electricity
Topic 9.1: Current and Drift Velocity
Topic 9.2: Power and Potential Difference
Topic 9.3.1: Ohm’s Law and I.V Characteristics
Topic 9.3.2: Resistors and Combinations
Chapter 10: D.C Circuits
Topic 10.1: E.M.F and Terminal Potential Difference
Topic 10.2.1: Kirchhoff’s Rules
Topic 10.2.2: Combination of Resistors
Topic 10.3.1: Potential Divider
Topic 10.3.2: Potentiometer
Chapter 11: Particles Physics
Topic 11.1.1: Structure of Atom and Nucleus
Topic 11.1.2: Nuclear Reactions
Topic 11.1.3: Radioactivity and Properties of Radiations
Topic 11.2: Fundamental Particles
Answer Key

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AL 9702 Physics P1 Topical | 2016-2024 | Abdul Hakeem